16 March 2016 This week MRWED launched the Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB42015) to our first pilot group in Sydney. We were pleased to have representatives from 5 different industries in this pilot program who have all been tasked with providing feedback based on their industry experience. We will be running 2 more pilot sessions in Sydney and 3 in Brisbane over the coming weeks. MRWED CEO Marc Ratcliffe and HOL Phillip Jefford are leading these sessions and the early feedback has been very positive. We are looking forward to publishing the public timetable for this program in the coming weeks along with a guided RPL kit and a self-paced online option later in the year. If you are interested in finding out more on this qualification, please contact us on 1800 287 246 or emai lJason Ash on jash@mrwed.edu.au