
The TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment reflects the roles of entry-level vocational education and training (VET) teachers, trainers and assessors who are delivering training services to vocational learners and assessment services to candidates.

The roles may be undertaken by those working in registered training organisations (RTOs), enterprises, community organisations, schools and other VET provision contexts.

The volume of learning of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is typically six months to two years.

This qualification meets the minimum education requirement for trainers and assessors operating without supervision under applicable VET legislation, frameworks and/or standards. The qualification is the successor to the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

MRWED now offers a new suite of TAE programs that include self-paced online options, face-to-face classroom-based experiences, facilitator-led online learning via zoom and recognition of prior learning pathways. If you would like to complete your credentials with MRWED you can now enrol below!

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Download TAE40122 Flyer

12 Month Enrolment Period

Face to Face Training Available

Payment Plans Available

Support Mon – Fri 8am to 5pm

Modes of Delivery

  • Face-to-face learning plus a variety of self-paced reinforcement and extension tasks.
  • Self-paced online learning using the aNewSpring learning management system.
  • Facilitator-led online learning combines the flexibility of the Self-paced Online Learning pathway with scheduled Zoom classrooms.
  • Recognition of prior learning is for experienced trainers and assessors who have evidence to support their current competence in the relevant units of competency.
  • Blended delivery using a combination of the modes described.

Regardless of the delivery mode chosen, all MRWED students are supported by our dedicated MRWED Learner Success Team who will provide mentoring along with structured webinar-based tutorials and a comprehensive suite of resources with which to read/view/reflect, and share.

Career Opportunities

  • Enterprise Trainer
  • Workplace Assessor
  • Workshop Facilitator
  • Mentor/Coach
  • RTO Trainer and Assessor
  • Lead Trainer/Assessor
  • Lecturer

An introduction to the new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment program

Enrol Now


Full course via Face-to-face Learning – $3900

Full course via Self-paced Online Learning – $3300

Full course via Recognition of Prior Learning – $1800 *Subject to suitable evidence being provided for all units

A Blended learning journey is priced at a per-unit rate

Payment Plans

Fixed fees, no interest or charges ever.

Payment plans are only offered to students who pay their own tuition fees. Payment plans are not available if a student is accessing funding.

Six-Month Payment Plans

You will receive one (1) invoice. Payments can only be made by EFT or direct deposit. Payments are to be made monthly.

If you wish to commence a payment plan, please indicate this selection on your application form when prompted.

Students are encouraged to request a payment plan at the time of application. However, these can be entered into at a later date should circumstances change.

Any queries regarding payment plans should be addressed to: mrwed.accounts@mrwed.edu.au

Certificates and/or Statements of Attainment will not be issued prior to full payment of all tuition, establishment, and administration fees.

All Standard Terms and Conditions of MRWED Training and Assessment will apply. (See Participant Information Handbook for more details).

Key outcomes

  • Operate effectively within Vocational Education and Training (VET) delivery and compliance networks.
  • Conduct individual and small group work skill instruction using existing support materials.
  • Design learning plans that enable the effective development of skills and impartment of knowledge.
  • Access the latest thinking on learning engagement and recognise the importance of adult learning theory.
  • Learn how to interpret a unit of competency to create learning programs and assessment plans.
  • Understand the relationship between the standards/competencies and the evidence needed to support someone’s claim for competence.
  • Participate in the validation of assessment activities to enable the strengthening and improvement of assessment practice.
  • Support the implementation of learning and development with individuals and teams.
  • Become a more confident presenter and facilitator of learning in a range of contexts: workplace, classroom, and online.
  • Establish and develop professional mentoring relationships in the workplace.
  • Practice more effective ways of supporting workplace learning.

Course Structure

There are 12 units in the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. These are divided into 6 core units and 6 elective units. MRWED’s standard TAE40122 program allows learners to build upon a series of ‘stackable’ skill sets. This will enable them to advance their skills and knowledge in ‘bite-sized’ stages, whilst having the opportunity to acquire a range of relevant credentials over their journey. It will also support the aim of entry-level trainers and assessors to work under supervision, prior to attaining their full qualification.

Introduction to VET cluster

  • TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector (Core)
  • TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction (Elective Group A)
  • BSBAUD412 Work within compliance frameworks (Elective Group C)
  • BSBCMM411 Make presentations (Imported Elective)

The Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system is competency-based, outcomes-focused, and designed to deliver workplace-specific skills and knowledge to suit a wide range of industries. In this cluster, participants will develop an understanding of the regulatory and operational context of VET and build an awareness of how to operate effectively within its compliance-based structure. This will involve examining the systems, frameworks and training products used to create vibrant experiences for learners and work-ready skills for industry. Furthermore, the key stakeholders involved in the sector and how they influence success will be highlighted. From here, participants will be introduced to foundational design and delivery concepts and will have the opportunity to practise the preparation and presentation of simple session plans, with a specific focus on the demonstration of work skills. This will involve delivering multiple sessions both one-to-one, as well as to small groups, which will help to build confidence and support new insights into the different approaches required. Finally, participants will reflect upon their own performances and produce a plan focused on improving their professional practice within the VET environment.

By the end of this cluster, participants will have completed the requirements of the TAESS00028 Work Skill Instructor Skill Set.

Facilitation Skills cluster

  • TAEDES412 Design and develop plans for vocational training (Core)
  • TAEDEL411 Facilitate vocational training (Core)

Effective facilitation skills help trainers to create positive and engaging experiences for their learners, which can lead to increased retention and better outcomes. In this cluster, participants will advance their design and delivery skills by using a nationally recognised training product, or similar standard, as the basis for planning, preparing, and facilitating face-to-face vocational training. This involves documenting a series of session plans to be delivered to both individual learners and groups of learners, as well as using and customising existing plans and resources to facilitate the training. Participants will also learn how to frame their sessions to reflect the needs and characteristics of learners to create more relevant and meaningful training. A range of best-practice facilitation techniques and learning activities will be modelled to support participants in creating sustainable learner engagement.

By the end of this cluster, participants will have completed the requirements of the TAESS00021 Facilitation Skill Set.

Assessor Skills cluster

  • TAEDES411 Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs (Core)
  • TAEASS412 Assess competence (Core)
  • TAEASS413 Participate in assessment validation (Core)

Assessment plays a critical role in verifying learner competence and underpins the integrity of Australian VET qualifications. In this cluster, participants will analyse and use nationally recognised training products as the basis for planning, preparing for and conducting competency-based assessment. This includes accessing a training and assessment strategy (TAS) to guide the process, preparing learners to be assessed, customising assessment where appropriate, gathering quality evidence, making assessment judgements, and completing the relevant recording and reporting functions. All in all, participants will conduct a total of six assessments, with at least one of these being via recognition of prior learning (RPL). They will also contribute to the validation of assessment tools prior to conducting assessment and be involved in the post-assessment validation of practices and judgements. Finally, participants will explore how to improve their own assessment practice based on self-reflection and learner feedback.

By the end of this cluster, participants will have completed the requirements of the TAESS00019 Assessor Skill Set.

Supporting Work-Based Learning cluster

  • BSBHRM413 Support the learning and development of teams and individuals (Elective Group C)
  • TAEDEL412 Facilitate workplace-based learning (Elective Group A)
  • TAEDEL414 Mentor in the workplace (Elective Group A)

This cluster is firmly focused on delivering training within a workplace setting and acknowledges the important contribution that learning professionals make to the upskilling of the workforce. Firstly, participants will learn how to determine individual and team development needs in the workplace. This will involve collecting data on performance and working collaboratively with learners to identify areas for improvement. From here, the focus moves to the creation of suitable work-based learning pathways to satisfy the identified needs. This will include implementing existing learning plans and resources based on established standards, as well as customising sessions to meet any unique requirements uncovered. Following this, participants will hone their skills in mentoring and will practise developing a professional mentoring relationship with individuals in the workplace. This will involve negotiating and documenting an agreed mentoring plan with at least 1 mentee, before facilitating at least three mentoring sessions. Finally, participants will monitor and evaluate the various workplace learning solutions they have implemented.

By the end of this cluster, participants will have completed the requirements of the TAESS00020 Workplace Trainer Skill Set (providing they have successfully completed TAEDEL411 from Facilitation Skills cluster).

For students that are looking to explore the world of online and distance learning instead of the “Supporting Work-based Learning” cluster, MRWED offers an alternative elective cluster via self-paced online delivery called the “Online and Distance Education” cluster.

Online and Distance Education cluster (online delivery only)

  • TAEDEL405 Plan, organise and facilitate online learning (Elective Group A)
  • TAEASS404 Assess competence in an online environment (Elective Group A)
  • TAEDEL413 Facilitate distance-based training (Elective Group A)

The delivery of training and assessment via online and distance modes is well-established in the VET sector. However, they often require different skills, methodologies, and resources than those used in a face-to-face context. In this cluster, participants will learn how to plan, organise, and facilitate dynamic online learning for individuals and groups, and assess the competence of these learners within an online environment. They will also build an awareness of the nuances between online training development and the transformation of training content into captivating ‘offline’ (distance-based) options. Common tools that can be used to promote interaction and collaboration amongst learners will be highlighted, together with suitable methods to facilitate feedback and support. Further to this, participants will have the opportunity to expand their online and distance capacity through the facilitation of both live (synchronous) and self-paced (asynchronous) activities.

By the end of this cluster, participants will have completed the requirements of the TAESS00023 Online Learning and Assessment Skill Set

The Learning Journey

The Learning and Assessment Journey for MRWED Students 

In a competency-based training environment, which is centred on demonstrated competence against industry-defined standards of performance rather than strict course durations, students aren’t required to study for a specified number of weeks or months. Competency-based training is the concept that individuals learn at different rates as well as through different modes and different environments and that the skills and knowledge that a student has acquired previously are able to be formally recognised.

We suggest leaving a few months between formal learning activities as a place to start when working out your schedule. Learners may find after attending a Face-to-Face session or a Facilitator-led online learning session that they are very comfortable with the concepts and have great access to resources in the workplace therefore can complete those assessments more quickly than planned. The opposite is also true, learners may find the content quite foreign and very new to them, they might not have had any previous experience with the theory and may take longer to work through the activities and assessments. In some clusters, learners may find it takes longer to simply coordinate the required support and access to others in order to complete a task. Whilst we structure the learning to guide our students through the program, some of the assessment work is self-paced therefore a specific time frame for completion is not stated.

We provide up to 12 months on an enrolment period to allow adequate time for a learner to complete the required work. We offer flexible scheduling options, so our learners have the choice to bring a cluster forward if they have completed quicker than expected or push one back if they are just not ready to move on to the next topic yet within their 12 month enrolment period. Please note, an administration fee may apply for non-attendance or late notice rescheduled sessions.

Pre-Training Activities

These activities are designed to prepare learners for the learning cluster to follow. When studying face-to-face, this includes, but is not limited to:

  • Prereading
  • viewing of video content
  • research tasks
  • self-preparedness reviews.

When studying online the pre-reading is integrated into the “formal instruction” and will be completed along the journey.

Face-to-face Learning

These include group discussions, poster activities, presentations, responses to case studies, simulations, resource development, peer review, self-evaluation, and the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded learners.

Public courses are held in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Custom programs are available to be delivered on the client’s site or other suitable locations.

Face-to-face students are provided a log into the MRWED online portal which contains a copy of all their courseware and assessments together with a range of pertinent documents to support them during the different clusters. This includes:

  • templates (e.g. session plans, learning programs, assessment plans, assessment tools, assessment instruments)
  • policies and procedures for managing training and assessment arrangements, copies of sample units of competency together with their assessment conditions
  • articles and videos for reflection tasks, as well as the bank for extension activities.  

MRWED Training and Assessment facilities have been developed to create a suitable practice environment that models conditions typically found in a traditional training and assessment environment.

Self-paced Online Learning

MRWED uses the online learning platform aNewSpring to host and coordinate training and assessment activities. Online students navigate through an integrated program of study that combines course content, learning activities, reinforcement tasks, extension exercises, and reflections, as well as formative and summative assessments. All the required materials and support documents will be available via their online portal. Students choosing this mode will also have free access to optional Facilitator-led zoom sessions where a MRWED Learning Leader will introduce students to critical course content in a way that often mimics the dynamic interactions of our face-to-face training.

The MRWED online self-paced journey has clustered units to mirror the face-to-face journey. However, it has been designed to be completed as a unit-by-unit experience. This creates greater flexibility for learners and will allow them to complete single units within a cluster, in the event they receive credit transfers and/or successful RPL.

Reinforcement and Extension

Reinforcement activities are designed to strengthen the learner’s understanding of key content and enhance their skills required in the application. This includes: 

  • structured webinars from the MRWED “VET Practice in Action” Series aimed at reinforcing learner understanding
  • extension activities related to the content covered in the formal instruction, selected from an activity bank aimed at reinforcing both knowledge and skill
  • research tasks that enable learners to gain some further perspectives on pertinent content, dig deeper into important topics within a learning cluster or facilitate the collection of relevant resources to support the training and assessment journey
  • practice tasks designed to build learner confidence and support their acquisition of competency.

Reflection Tasks (Read/View/Reflect and Share)

Each learning cluster has a suite of resources designed to both complement and extend learning. The learners are invited to read relevant articles, view videos and reflect upon the content in relation to the program and make comments on the implications for trainers and assessors.

Assessment Tasks

Formal assessment tasks are required to be completed by each learner. These tasks capture all the required components for each Unit of Competency and act as the summative assessment for the program. Detailed feedback is provided to learners post-submission and they are required to reflect upon this feedback, make changes where necessary, and share thoughts with the MRWED Learner Success Team.


Volume of Learning

MRWED’s decisions about the duration of the delivery of this qualification take into account the candidates’ likelihood of successfully achieving the learning outcomes and ensure that the integrity of the qualification outcomes are maintained. MRWED acknowledges that the amount of training provided by us is only part of the overall volume of learning and relates primarily to formal activities including classes and other extension tasks.

The amount of training allocated for this qualification is based on the prior experience of each participant. Learners who have a lot of relevant prior experience may have the ability to complete the qualification in a shorter timeframe. However, those who are new to the profession will often take a longer time frame to complete and will be supported by our dedicated Learner Success team throughout their journey. Learners should expect a duration between six and twelve months to meet the requirements of TAE40122, which is consistent with the AQF volume of learning indicators for a Certificate IV qualification.

Our published public schedules represent the instructor-led “contact time” for candidates choosing a fully face-to-face learning pathway. However, additional reading, research, participation in webinars, project work and assessment activities may be required over the duration of their study to successfully complete the qualification.

Entry Requirements

Those entering this qualification must be able to demonstrate vocational competence in their proposed training and assessing area. Vocational competence is defined as broad industry knowledge and experience, and may include, but is not limited to, holding a relevant unit of competency or qualification.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I am studying the TAE40116 and MRWED launches the new TAE40122, do I automatically get carried over to the new course?

No, there are significant differences between the TAE40116 and the TAE40122. In most cases, there will be no advantage to changing to TAE40122 as the qualifications are deemed equivalent. In a rare situation that it would disadvantage the student to not transition, we will discuss this with the student directly and make a recommendation on the best course of action. 

Yes. Despite the number and composition of core units in TAE40122 being different to those in TAE40116, and several core units being deemed non-equivalent to their previous version, the Education Industry Reference Committee* (IRC) have considered the overall occupational outcome of the new qualification as the primary indicator of equivalence. The IRC have determined that the occupational outcome remains unchanged to that of TAE40116 and as such, the TAE40122 has been deemed equivalent to TAE40116.

No – as the Standards for RTOs are currently written, there is no requirement to complete additional training to continue to meet the requirements outlined in the Standards.

No – as the Standards for RTOs are currently written, there is no requirement to complete additional training to continue to meet the requirements outlined in the Standards.

No – as the Standards for RTOs are currently written, you can either:

  • Complete two additional units of competency from the options specified in the Standards (to make the “TAE 10 + 2”);
  • Complete the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment within the teach-out/transition period; or
  • Complete the new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

MRWED students enrolled in any units of competency or qualifications under version 4 of the TAE Training and Education Training Package (TAE40116, TAE50116 or TAE50216) have until the 1st of November 2024 to conclude all training and assessment requirements within their enrolment. It is important to note that no extensions past this date can be offered. 

MRWED’s decisions about the duration of the delivery of this qualification take into account the candidates’ likelihood of successfully achieving the learning outcomes and ensure that the integrity of the qualification outcomes is maintained. MRWED acknowledges that the amount of training provided by us is only part of the overall volume of learning and relates primarily to formal activities including classes and other extension tasks.

The amount of training allocated for this qualification is based on the prior experience of each participant. Learners who have a lot of relevant prior experience may have the ability to complete the qualification in a shorter timeframe. However, those who are new to the profession will often take a longer time frame to complete and will be supported by our dedicated Learner Success team throughout their journey. Learners should expect a duration between six and twelve months to meet the requirements of TAE40122, which is consistent with the AQF volume of learning indicators for a Certificate IV qualification. MRWED will provide a 12 month enrolment duration to complete the qualification.


  • Face-to-face Learning plus a variety of self-paced reinforcement and extension tasks.
  • Self-paced Online Learning using the aNewSpring learning management system.
  • Facilitator-led Online Learning combines the flexibility of the Self-paced Online Learning pathway with scheduled Zoom classrooms.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning is for experienced trainers and assessors who have evidence to support their current competence in the relevant units of competency.
  • Blended delivery using a combination of the modes described.

The TAE40116 qualification was comprised of 10 units, with 9 core units and 1 elective unit. In comparison, the new TAE40122 qualification is made up of 12 units, consisting of 6 core units and 6 electives. This allows for unprecedented choice and the ability to specialise in different focus areas. 

Following is an outline of the key changes made to the qualification:

  • The addition of a new core unit, TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector aimed at supporting learners in navigating the VET environment and improving their professional practice. 
  • The units TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning and TAEDEL402 Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace have been largely collapsed to create the new core unit TAEDEL411 Facilitate vocational training.
  • TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs has been replaced with the new core unit TAEDES412 Design and develop plans for vocational training.
  • TAEDES402 Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs has been replaced with the new core unit TAEDES411 Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs.
  • TAEASS512 Design and develop assessment tools (the successor to TAEASS502) has been moved from a core unit to an elective unit within TAE40122.
  • The TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills has been deconstructed, with content embedded into ASS, DEL and DES units. 
  • There are two new elective units focusing on e-learning and e-assessment: 
    • TAEASS404 Assess competence in an online environment.
    • TAEDEL405 Plan, organise and facilitate online learning.
  • There are two new elective units focusing on different facilitation contexts:
    • TAEDEL415 Complete a practicum in a vocational education and training environment.
    • TAEDEL416 Facilitate learning for young vocational learners.

A comprehensive comparison can be found by clicking here

MRWED offers a limited selection of electives, however we will continue to add new units to provide more choice and flexibility over time. If there is a specific elective unit you are looking for, please contact us to discuss your options.